Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What Is The Dealio?

If there is one thing I cannot abide, it is people who waste your time. I call them "time wasters," sometimes right to their face. Take for example this cartoonist fellow, Pigbert or Dirtbutt or whatever the h-e-double hockey sticks his fuckin' name is. He was supposed to stop by the house and interview yours truly for that fabulous new website, Food for Thought: A News Café, but I get an email late yesterday saying that he's "super busy" with his write-in campaign for City Council and doesn't "have time for our interview."


Does he believe that he's the only super-busy person in the world? Is he so self-centered as to believe his is the only write-in campaign for City Council? Arrogant prick.

I used to know a lot of people like him when I lived and worked in Hollywood. Agents, producers and the like, always "super-busy" with no time to look at my glossies. Well, where are those assholes now, I ask you? Living in Topanga Canyon bungalows with a Prius in the driveway? Well, sure, probably. I would imagine they parlayed all that super busyness into big bucks.

Sure. Movers and shakers. They make stuff happen. Sometimes they make stuff happen for people who don't deserve it. Look at Howie Mandel. Jesus, I mean Howie Mandel has a billboard on The Strip, for Christ's sake! Howie Fucking Mandel! Still blowin' up that goddamned rubber glove on his bald head and cashing those fat network checks.

God, shoot me now.

So, to have Limpdick The Cartoonist blow me off for some imaginary election has brought me really, really close to doing a Judy. I have a medicine chest full of pills and salves and I may just swallow a bottle of Cialus and just let rigor mortis set in. But, I gotta keep a stiff upper lip...so I'll just grind the Cialus into an ointment and apply directly. OMG, do you hear how I'm talking?!? How could I let a puny incident like this upset me so? Besides, who would feed Twinkles IV?

I'll be damned if I let those bastards at Haven Humane near my little princess... or my dog either!

Oh well, I see there's another email from Dildobert, maybe this interview will take place after all. If it does, you'll just have to forgive me for being such a DQ.

That's it! TTFN,

Harry Ames, Jr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Harry - he discovers once again that fame is fleeting. Maybe it's karmic payback for the six weeks of my life that YOU wasted, Mr. Time Waster!

When the local cartoonist won't even bother to talk to you, you have to consider, maybe, just maybe, it's time to stop living in the past. Have you thought about trying to actually accomplish something?
And no -- interbreeding those yappy little furballs doesn't count.