Monday, September 29, 2008

Local paper rips me off!

On September 24th of this month, the local newspaper ran the following ad on page B4 below the fold:

Does the dapper chap pictured here look familiar? Well, he should! That's ME!!! That is a photo taken at Shutterbug Photography in the Glendale Galleria last year when I was visiting my agent in El Lay! I had a whole new series of "glossies" shot to remind agents and casting directors that Harry is still out there and he's still got IT!!! They're promotional photos! How the flying duck humper did the Record Searchlight get MY photo? And WHO gave them permission to use my image in their tawdry little ad??? I understand WHY they used it, I really sell that whole "health" angle, don't you think? I mean, I really LOOK the part, don't I?
But, the fact remains that they used one of my publicity shots in their advertisement WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE, CONSENT OR PERMISSION! Suffice to say, they haven't paid one plug nickel to me, either.
The newspaper is, without my knowledge, encouraging MY audience in this market to buy their lousy paper. Let it be known that before Harry Ames, Jr. endorses a product or periodical, he reads it. It has to pass the Harry Ames, Jr. "sniff test" before I allow my personage to appear in any kind of advertisement. Well, I just plunked down 47 centavos, + tax to get today's newspaper to see if I'm comfortable pitching it. Well, I'm pitching it all right. Pitching it right into the cylindrical receptacle to be picked up by burly men on trucks this Friday. What a stinkaroo! No WAY would I ask MY fans to purchase this rag. At least not until I see a check from these cheapskates.
Just so you know folks, Harry Ames, Jr. can't be used like a Cambodian whore with a head injury and open sores. Not again. When you see MY mug out there, rest assured I AM GETTIN' PAID!!!
The folks over on Twin View can expect to hear from my crack legal team and my second, at dawn tomorrow. Of course, my second may be late - in which case my third will have to do...I'm sure I'll be finished with my fifth by then. They won't get away with this!!!


Anonymous said...

Your craft-services crew is rolling on the floor shriek-laughing... you go, Harry!

Anonymous said...

You're getting modeling gigs, now! Thanks for sharing your good news.
You can say you weren't paid, Harry, but my attorney will be in touch.